34 percent of [Americans] say they believe in ghosts, according to a pre-Halloween poll by The Associated Press and Ipsos. That’s the same proportion who believe in unidentified flying objects — exceeding the 19 percent who accept the existence of spells or witchcraft.

Forty-eight percent believe in extrasensory perception, or ESP. But nearly half of you knew we were about to tell you that, right?

To put the roughly one-third who believe in ghosts and UFOs in perspective, it’s about the same as, in recent AP-Ipsos polls, the 36 percent who said they are baseball fans; the 37 percent who said the U.S. made the right decision to invade Iraq; and the 31 percent who approve of the job President Bush is doing.

Three in 10 have awakened sensing a strange presence in the room. For whatever it says about matrimony, singles are more likely than married people to say so.

What a spooky culture we live in.

  1. Guy Fawkes says:

    OOPS, forgot one.

    Only 16% of Americans think the government is telling the truth about 9/11 and the intelligence prior to the attacks.

    “Do you think members of the Bush Administration are telling the truth, are mostly telling the truth but hiding something, or are they mostly lying?”

    Telling the truth 16%

    Hiding something 53%

    Mostly lying 28%

    Not sure 3%”


  2. domc says:

    I wonder if you can find a poll of Britain with the same question. I heard the numbers for these types of polls are WAY higher.

  3. Depressed says:

    Does anyone know where intelligent people are?
    Because I’d like to go there.

  4. sam says:

    After his term he won’t be called for advice or insight like other presidents.
    We need a president that loves his nation his country his people and will do right for our posterity.

    1. succeeding or future generations collectively: Judgment of this age must be left to posterity.
    2. all descendants of one person: His fortune was gradually dissipated by his posterity.

  5. Guy Fawkes says:

    #4 Does anyone know where intelligent people are? Because I’d like to go there.

    Easy, fine people who read and don’t watch TV. These people have not been programmed by the corporate giants. On second thought maybe it’s not so easy.

  6. ArianeB says:

    I thought it might be interesting to create a test called “Are You Stupid?” and ask for beliefs in things that are provably false. (as well as questions like “Do you hear a high pitched beep every few minutes from the smoke alarm?”)

    There is a subtle but important difference between believing in unexplained phenomenon (which is an OK belief), and calling unexplained phenomenon as proof that ghosts exists (which is flawed logic).

  7. Mister Mustard says:

    >>You scared now about this things?

    ¡Que lástima, m’hijito! You weren’t able to get in the first religion-bashing post in the thread. Tsk.

    >>Easy, find people who read and don’t watch TV.

    Better not look around here. Everybody’s pulling their pants down to see who has the biggest screen and the highest definition. “HEY EVERYBODY, I COULD SEE MARIE OSMOND’S PANTIES WHEN SHE FAINTED!!”

  8. Wayne Bradney says:

    Only 34% believe in ghosts, yet 80% believe in some kind of god?
    I don’t get it.

  9. Guy Fawkes says:

    #10 Wayne,

    Don’t confuse religion with spirituality.

  10. ECA says:

    forgot 1…Who dont give a F..

    He will be asked, WTF did you do??

    The rest of you…
    There are STILL strange things that happen in this world, NOT including BUSH. Being CLOSER to nature, and learning to be MORE open in our senses, AS we were as children, you just might SEE/notice something.
    We have overwhelmed our senses, and closed DOWN, just to survive being INCLOSED, and surrounded by 1000’s of other people/noises.

  11. GetSmart says:

    I see crazy people.

  12. 888 says:

    ~90% of mankind believe in some sort of *god* or *gods* too.
    How’s that different from believing in ghosts or zombies?

    IIRC some german pseudo-scientists “proved” that between 75% and 90% of population are complete idiots (depending on race, country, religion etc etc – obviously according to nazi propaganda of that time, the herrenfolk had the least percentage of idiots).
    Sometimes I wonder maybe they weren’t far from truth (sand racist/shauvinst crap of course).

  13. HisMostHumblyExhaultedSupremeGlobalWarmingMajesty says:

    What do you expect? Look how many folks voted for Kerry or Gore or support Hillarius.


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