50 religious insights from George Bush

George W. Bush talks to God but he also talks about God. Here are his top 50 quotes about religion, the Almighty, and putting words into God’s mouth.

The sad part is that significant minority who accept every word as truth.

  1. TIHZ_HO says:

    I like this one Bushism

    When in Japan Bush said in a speech that Japan and America enjoyed a close relationship for 150 years….

    …except during the period when America was bombing the shit out of Japan in payback for Japan bombing the shit out of Pearl Harbour.

    So, this person was the best that America has to field for president?

    Well America here is a big SHUT THE HELL UP about what’s wrong with everyone else!


  2. Mister Mustard says:

    >>So, this person was the best that America has to field
    >>for president?

    No, but he was the one with the most family friends on the Supreme Court, and his running mate is pajama pals with the guys at Diebold (and the other electronic voting machine companies).

  3. TIHZ_HO says:

    #32 That’s right – sorry I forgot US Democracy v0.9 BETA in action. No wonder its such a hard sell to the rest of the world – everyone is still waiting for it to come out of BETA. 😉


  4. Misanthropic Scott says:

    #33 – TIHZ_HO,


    Actually though, it wasn’t bad for a long time. It’s just the latest release that, like Vista, is a bit off and not an easy sell.


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