Computer World – 02/14/2007:

Here’s the newest from Sen. Ted Stevens, the man who described the Internet as a series of tubes: It’s time for the federal government to ban access to Wikipedia, MySpace, and social networking sites from schools and libraries.

Early in January, Stevens introduced Senate bill 49, which among other things, would require that any school or library that gets federal Internet subsidies would have to block access to interactive Web sites, including social networking sites, and possibly blogs as well. It appears that the definition of those sites is so vague that it could include sites such as Wikipedia, according to commentators. It would certainly ban MySpace

There are so many things wrong with this bill, it’s hard to count them all. But its greatest irony would be banning Wikipedia — perhaps the most widely used reference resource in the world — from libraries and schools. I have plenty of problems with Wikipedia, including how easily it can be manipulated, and the way that student rely on it far too heavily. But ban an educational resource merely because it’s interactive? If true, it’s bizarre beyond comprehension.

It’s easy to characterize Stevens as little more than a buffoon. He’s certainly a buffoon, but he’s a dangerous one.

“I’m Ted Stevens, and I approve of these tubes.”

  1. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Since when has techno-illiteracy (or any other kind, for a’ that?) ever stopped politicos from passing unworkable, ill-advised laws? Don’t approve of something? Quick, pass another law! Shoot from the hip, and let the courts sort it out later – if ever… Let the Law of Unintended Consequences work its magic unfettered.

    That’s called “leadership.”

  2. ECA says:

    Iv been on the wagon for symplfing the Net, for along time.
    I cant figure all the Extra processing for something to HIDE what is really going on.
    Flash is fine, and works…But why USE activeX to run it…?
    Posting adds is fine, as long as they dont install CRAP on my system, which uses, encoding, scripts, ActiveX….

    I still remember useing a modem to get thru the net, and a good 80% still do… when was the last time you saw a Site optimized for Dial up users??
    goto and tell me how many scripts are being loaded, how much meta data, how many adverts popup…
    I stopped going there after a dialup I was redoing, caught 5 virus and 17 bots with a modem.
    EVEN here, I am getting notices that :
    ALL want to run scripts on my machine..
    HOw are we to know WHO is nice, who is honest, WHO wont crap on our machines…?

  3. JT says:

    Thanks for posting his picture. That says it all.

  4. bs says:

    #2 Go with firefox and add the no-script plugin. Works great.

    PS> Most school districts already block most of these sites. CIPA basically requires all schools to block any content that could be deemed inappropriate. Read the following link on CIPA.

    Of and the part about the funding, if you are not running CIPA compliant systems, you get your internet E-rate funds withheld.

  5. JohnS says:

    I know where we should shove the end point of one of those tubes… bend over Ted!

  6. Peter Rodwell says:

    How do these idiots get elected?

  7. Mac Guy says:

    They should also ban .gov sites, since apparently this asshole is Constitutionally Clueless. Keep the kids from learning about our government and throw this moron out of office.

    Consider it job security.

  8. Mr. Fusion says:

    I wonder if Alaskans ever wonder how Stevens reflects upon their state.

  9. Improbus says:

    The House of Representatives and the Senate not only need term limits they need age limits. No one over 70 years of age should be allowed to serve except in an advisory capacity. Frankly, people over 70 have a lot of wisdom but they are way behind the curve on just about everything.

  10. John Paradox says:

    How do these idiots get elected?

    By the other idiots who vote for them?


  11. TJGeezer says:

    #1 – I love the way you nailed the process as actually practiced. You left out only greed, which is all that really counts in a plutocracy.

    #10 – He’s trying to replace Sen. Strom Thurmond, the drooling, napping pride of South Carolina. He won because his only opposition was generally the failed dog catcher from Left Podunk. Ted Stevens can only wish to have such class. But consider – Thurmond (or his staff anyway) brought a lot of pork home for whoever runs things in his state. I bet Stevens is a master at carrying pork, too. People will put up with a lot of image tarnish when it results in pay checks for them.

  12. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    If this gets passed, the whole Internet is going to go down the tubes…

  13. James Hill says:

    I already destroyed the anti-Tubes crowed when this story first came out, no reason to revist the past children (#7 and #9, that means you).

    As for the new story, while I don’t agree with his bill I won’t fault the intent: At least he’s trying… is your elected official?

  14. Matt Norton says:

    It took them several attempts just to block pornography in the libraries. I really don’t see this surviving the court challenges to it.

  15. ECA says:

    I do run FF, and thats HOW I know whats trying to beatup my machine.

    And HOw in Hell is this 15 sec rule supposed to work?? Its been 2 minutes, and it STILL isnt letting me post.

  16. Quiznoz says:

    First he wants clean, unclogged tubes, and now he wants the tubes blocked?

    Talk about a flip-flopper.

  17. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    #18 – you’re the victim of a plugged tube…

  18. Mr. Fusion says:

    I wonder is Stevens wants to tie all the tubes?

  19. John Paradox says:

    And HOw in Hell is this 15 sec rule supposed to work?? Its been 2 minutes, and it STILL isnt letting me post.

    Theory: multiple users trying to post? If each hits different rates, they could overlap.



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