Now that their pensions are secure, they’ve lined up to carp. – Retired Generals Slam Bush’s Iraq Plan — Now they tell us!!

Hoar once commanded all American forces in the Middle East and has nothing good to say about the war.

“This administration’s handling of the war has been characterized by deceit, mismanagement and a shocking failure to understand the social and political forces that influence events in the Middle East,” Hoar said.

Retired Gen. Barry McCaffrey, who commanded a division in the first Gulf War and was consulted by the president in drawing up the new Iraq strategy said, “They’re going to try to muscle this thing out in the next 24 months with an urban counterinsurgency plan that I personally believe, with all due respect, is a fool’s errand.”

found by Dennis Duffner

  1. Named says:

    Wasn’t Barry also the loser in the War on Drugs?

  2. Improbus says:

    Congratulations for stating the obvious you retired bozos.

  3. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    If it is so damn obvious, why hasn’t the Clown in Chief been impeached?

  4. TJGeezer says:

    #3 – Nobody has copped to giving Dubya a blowjob in the oval office. And the Morality Police don’t go after Republicans unless events force them to.

    No doubt McCaffrey’s War on Drugs experience qualifies him to comment on fool’s errands.

  5. Gary Marks says:

    As I was watching the news this morning, it hit me like a ton of bricks what seems to be taking shape, and the coming troop surge is only part of the plan, a sort of stall tactic for more time. I hope I’m wrong, but here’s what I see coming…

    The administration will seek to quickly establish in the public consciousness that Iranian interference in Iraq is the primary reason for our failure there. First of all, this will help absolve the administration of guilt for their own policy blunders, but that may not be the end of it. If they are successful in establishing Iran’s culpability by undermining our best efforts in Iraq, this may be combined with fear over Iran’s nuclear program to become the two main reasons for going to war with Iran.

    Look for stepped-up efforts in the near future to lay as much blame as possible on Iran for our failure to establish a peaceful democracy in Iraq. If successful, that may be the tipping point for our next war. The American public is not ready to accept the nuclear issue alone as sufficient justification.

  6. OhForTheLoveOf says:


    Barry wasn’t the loser in the War On Drugs…

    The American taxpayer was the loser in the War on Drugs. As was The Constitution, The American Dream, Civil Liberties, and personal freedom…

    If the right wants to harp on and on about personal responsibility, they might want to consider letting people actually practice it…

  7. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #5 – The American public is not ready to accept the nuclear issue alone as sufficient justification.

    Comment by Gary Marks — 1/19/2007 @ 12:14 pm

    Haven’t the American people already accepted gross incompetence, corporate greed, and a flagrant disreguard for the lives of American sons and daughters as the reason for the war in Iraq?

    Why would or should we suddenly get in lockstep with the administration over Iran.

    There is a power struggle in Iran between those who want to be a modern secular nation and those who want to be a loonbat fanatical right wing Islamofascist nation… In our own zeal to see the former we seem to be helping the latter.

  8. Gary Marks says:

    #7 OFTLO, “There is a power struggle in Iran between those who want to be a modern secular nation and those who want to be a loonbat fanatical right wing Islamofascist nation.”

    Change two words in that, and it’s tragic how closely it can apply to our own country. I’m always more than happy to join you on the side of “modern secular” 😉

  9. Dallas says:

    Think of all the other Generals with the same sentiment but either don’t have their pension secured or most likely, have no balls to state what the public is finally coming to realize.

    The republican party has cost this country and the world dearly in terms of death, region instability and resources. Whoever voted for this disaster of a president should do the honorable thing – send all your money to pay down the debt and never vote again.

  10. fred says:

    “If it is so damn obvious, why hasn’t the Clown in Chief been impeached?”

    Before you get too excited about impeaching the Clown in Chief, please stop and think very carefully about who would then be the president.

  11. noname says:

    Simply put our military has a bunch of ass-kissing cowards in charge, who go along to get along. Previous precedence presidents have set in earlier Wars with Generals like General Patten and Macarthur (who courageously spoke their mind) is forcing our future Generals to shut up, kiss presidential ass and become go along to get along generals.

    That seems to be the only type of General/Admiral this country can produce, go along to get along cowards. Many of them have never been in actual combat. They feel compelled to watch the fighting on their TV screen back in their command center.

    That seems to be the Pentagon/President/Media working definition of a Patriot.

  12. Greg Allen says:

    Does anyone — honestly and seriously — think that Bush’s 15% “mini-surge” is going to change the course in Iraq? Anybody here think that? Not as an knee-jerk support of their president but truly believe the course of this war will be changed with an additional 20,000 troops?

    We all know “the course” we’re on — the Shiites, most likely with Muqtada al-Sadr at the top, will “stand up” when our military “stands down.”

    Iraq will be strong ally if not a proxy of Iran. It will be fundamentalist.

    The only real question is how much the Sunnis can be spoilers. Will they be a rebellious province of Iraq or will they break away?

    The bigger and scarier unknown is if the civil war in Iraq will create a regional war with the likely armies coming in being Iran, Syria, and Saudi.

    This likely scenario seems to be totally off the radar screen of the Bush administration.

    If it happens, expect Bush, Cheney and Rice to go on 60 Minutes and claim, “Nobody could have foreseen a regional conflict of this magnitude.”

  13. Kenneth Jones says:

    General Dempsey and Obummer need to thrown out ASAP!


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