We’re veering into JFK territory here with this one especially considering how minor a player Sanford was in the Plame case, but it’s a slow news day as the world awaits both the New Year and Saddam’s pendulum impression. And who knows — a piece of tape found on a door led to Nixon resigning.

Lawyer Ends Up Dead After Taking On Rove

Paul Sanford, a prominent Aptos, California, attorney, who accused Karl Rove of treason in the Plame outing case, took a leap from the Embassy Suites Hotel in Monterey Bay on Christmas Eve. Police describe it as “probable” suicide, even though it appears Sanford was not depressed.

On July 25, 2005, in the James S. Brady Briefing Room at the White House, Sanford asked then press secretary Scott McClellan about Karl Rove, accused at the time by Joseph Wilson, the husband of Valerie Plame, of outing his wife as a CIA employee in retaliation for Wilson’s op-ed published in the New York Times. Wilson criticized the citation of bogus yellowcake documents used as flimsy justification for invading Iraq and murdering more than 650,000 Iraqis.

McClellan was flummoxed by Sanford’s question.

Here’s another report on Sanford. A line in another report is interesting: “Police declined to state exactly why they ruled the case a suicide.”

  1. Higghawker says:

    Smells like a fish………………………..

  2. Named says:

    Everyone, and especially wet work agents know that throwing someone from a building is the best way to make a suicide.

  3. Hugh Janus says:

    Man, wouldn’t that piss you off to get thrown off a building? The typed suicide note would say, “I’m pretty sure I have this levitation thing worked out…”

  4. Roc Rizzo says:

    You gotta kinda think. If Rove was involved, it probably was murder, but you aren’t gonna be able to prove it until he leaks something to the NY Times.

  5. Jägermeister says:

    What’s the odds on that this case will be ruled something else than suicide?

  6. Jim Scarborough says:

    It seems to me that someone from HP could just call up and get his cell phone records from that day and figure out if there was some illicit contact.

  7. I am annoyed by the incompleteness of the articles. If there was foul play, I want to know what Sanford’s wife and other friends have said about what Paul Sanford was supposed to be doing early that Sunday morning.

  8. joshua says:

    All I can say is……Geez!!

  9. Timbo says:

    And everyone forgets the 200 people associated with the Clintons who died violent deaths — bodyguards, drivers, neighbors, staff who could become whistle blowers, etc.

    Here we have a case of vote control thru mind control thru information control thru media control thru political control thru money control by rich leftists who can’t be named without running great risks.

  10. miamiguy says:


    You’re kidding, right?

    “vote control thru mind control thru information control thru media control thru political control thru money control by rich leftists who can’t be named without running great risks”

    get some help

  11. joshua says:

    God, I LOVE conspiresy therories.

    And this one isn’t even a good one.(obviously the Republicans are better at it) Isn’t it a bit late for Rove(or anyone for that matter) to kill this guy??? He’s already spilled the beans. At least in the Vince Foster one, he was **killed** BEFORE he told what he knew.

    Again….I say….GEESH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. AB CD says:

    Can we autopsy Ron Brown now?

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    #11, And everyone forgets the 200 people associated with the Clintons who died violent deaths — bodyguards, drivers, neighbors, staff who could become whistle blowers, etc

    Timbo, you are a flaming idiotic, retarded piece of garbage. I see you don’t like to mention all those disappeared Democrats Bush had sent to Gitmo because the brig at Area 51 is full. How about when Bush had those Democratic journalists mowed down in the Rose Garden? And when Bush had that puppy shamelessly skinned alive for the delight of his Cabinet?

    You bring up a measly 200 people with suspicious passing. What about the hundreds of thousands Bush had killed because they disagreed with him?

    Sure am glad you don’t pray for me.

  14. Mark F says:

    Paul Sanford had plenty of enemies. Your pathetic attempt to pin this on ShitFlower is ridiculous. Maybe he did it. Maybe he didn’t. But your “reporting” sucks.

  15. catbeller says:

    Bush or Rove didn’t have to be involved, or even knew about the guy. But there are hundreds of real G. Gordon Liddys in the rightist movement that will kill for slighting their leader. This guy ain’t the first, he ain’t gonna be the last. The guy who nailed Blair died of suicide died shortly thereafter, the man who wrote “Fortunate Son” died of suicide. There are some real murderous assholes in the rightist movement. Just listen to them speak.

  16. catbeller says:

    11. There are always hundreds of deaths connected to any public figure. The targeted, created legend you cite was inserted in 1993, and was modelled after an almost identical smear campaign launched against John Kennedy in the early sixties.

    On the other hand, Reagan killed hundreds of thousands of people in latin america through his “secret government’s” machinations. Bush slaughtered at least 150 thousans in Iraq, and 600,000 through connected consequences since then. Let’s not forget the tens of thousands he killed in Afghanistan that we don’t care about yet. Those are really real murders, not conspiracy fantasies created by a rightist PR company.

  17. Timbo says:

    #18, Catbeller, You are right. Both parties have killed people. The big difference is the callous disregard for the lives of personally inconvenient Americans. There has always been a difference between murder and war.

    You act like war for political ends is worse than that — unless you identify with their political and religious persuasions. It sounds like Mr. Fusion (#15) is making the Muslims in Gitmo honorary Democrats!

    Are you as incensed at Lyndon Johnson’s war in Vietnam?

  18. Smith says:

    What a bunch of BS. Didn’t any of you get the memo? Rove did not out Palme, it was some dipshit in the State Department who admitted it to the special prosecuter on the first day of his two-year investigation!

    Come on people, I know this is a liberal blog filled with Bush haters, but is it asking too much for at least passing respect for the truth?


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