The organization’s lawyer, Mr. Fido Schwartz, Esq.

I’m all in favor of anti-cruelty laws and reducing animal testing where not really needed, but some of these people simply go too far.

HSUS’ Pacelle Commits to Redoubling Anti-Agriculture Efforts

In a speech at the second annual ”Taking Action for Animals” conference in Washington D.C., Wayne Pacelle, President of the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) committed to redoubling the animal rights group’s efforts against modern animal agriculture. Pacelle indicated his belief that there is little difference between animals and humans. To support his position he used research that showed similarities between humans and non-human primates then asserted that the concept could be expanded to include any animal.
He urged the audience to continue pursuing animal guardianship laws to replace animal ownership laws. Pacelle suggested using the term ”Canine Americans” instead of dogs to emphasize the rights of these animals.

In other animal rights groups, several protesters were sentenced for harassment and PETA attacks Steve Irwin after his death.

  1. V says:

    These people are insane. I just saw an investigation on PETA yesterday. They routinely compare animal use to the holocaust, then turn around and provide funding to convicted arsonists so they can firebomb research clinics. It’s just unforuntate this never makes mainstream media.

  2. RTaylor says:

    I’m all for making dogs citizens. I draw the line at cats. Cat’s can’t be trusted. 🙂

  3. no pet says:

    when my pet gets up, changes the channel, opens the fridge to get a cold drink, and goes to the bathroom (and FLUSHES), THEN I’ll THINK about treating it like a human…

  4. scott says:

    Animals clearly have deep emotional lives as evidenced in nature. They love their families, feel stress and sadness when something bad happens, etc. But humanizing animals does both them and ourselves a disservice. It keeps us from understanding their true nature.

    I can agree with wanting a world where there’s less cruelty to animals, and those raised for food would be able to live in less rotten conditions. But, as you say, these wackos go way too far.

    Environmentalists and animal rights people it seems to me started off with a tiny nugget of truth and then went on to become violent nut jobs. They are like the Israelis and the Arabs – they just want to wage war and be violent and they are glad they found a cause.

  5. Peter Rodwell says:

    What a bunch of cretins!

  6. J says:

    Yeah but that picture of the puppy is cute.

  7. bquady says:

    Somewhat off topic, and just out of curiosity: When a real AI is finally built, which feels “love” and “pain” and “kinship” etc., will we have geeks arguing that it deserves citizenship? Will we be encouraged to call it a Silicon-American?

  8. Peter Rodwell says:

    #8: Will we be encouraged to call it a Silicon-American?

    Encouraged, no – obliged!

  9. Sounds The Alarm says:

    More crap from people who have too much to eat.

  10. spsffan says:

    #8: Will we be encouraged to call it a Silicon-American?

    Huh? It will undoubtedly be Chinese.


  11. Ballenger says:

    Furry and scaled Americans aren’t the only ones at risk.

    Testy Americans are too! If this works out, even if Fido gets a promotion to Canine American he can still be microwaved like a frozen burrito if he whizzes on the carpet. I just don’t get the feeling this guy is fully on board with the public service angle here.

  12. joshua says:

    The British counter-part to this bunch is also going to jail. The tactics there have been even more nasty, with actual attacks on Hunington personel. A contingent of this group have been protesting the new medical research facility at Oxford University. They had a great deal of student backing (including me) until they threatened anyone and everyone involved with the University, including students. They then set several buildings around the University afire. This and face to face verbal assults on any student they saw caused a back lash and a large rally was held supporting the University and now most students back it and have turned on the Animal Rights group. Even though I have protested against this groups tactics, I am a firm believer in Animal rights causes and didn’t join in the rally, because I believe(after talking with several chemists and my brother, a genetics researcher) that most if not all animal testing isn’t needed. The similarities of our systems isn’t close enough to truely gauge a drugs effect on a human based on animal testing, a computor simulation is much more accurate.
    An off-shoot of this group had been up until this year protesting and harrassing a family that raises guiena pigs for testing labs escalated over a period of 5 years from verbal assaults to physical harrassment of family members. Then the Mother-law of the man who ran the family business died 2 years ago and the animal rights group dug up her body and held it for ransum. They were finally caught several months ago and the family just got the womens body back in June. They were convicted and sentanced to several years in jail.

  13. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    #1, I just saw an investigation on PETA yesterday. They routinely compare animal use to the holocaust, then turn around and provide funding to convicted arsonists so they can firebomb research clinics. It’s just unforuntate this never makes mainstream media.

    You don’t see this on the MSM because it didn’t happen. It was disinformation put out by an anti-PETA group. Although, if you have credible information to link to then please post it.

    I am not a PETA fan but I dislike smear campaigns even more.

  14. D Gary Grady says:

    I’m afraid you’ve fallen for a false report. Among other things, Pacelle was making a joke (and got a laugh) with the “canine American” line. It’s a good idea not to believe every single thing you see on the web or read in an email…


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