[UPDATE] — Apparently this vid is now hot to watch as CoasttoCoastAM and other big sites have discovered it. Enjoy.

  1. Scott says:

    I agree with the statement about the pope’s eggs.

  2. Buzzy says:

    I’ll bring the marshmellows, if you bring the beer.

  3. Pete Cyrog says:

    Cute animation, but some pointed out the object should be starting to burn its forward surface in the atmosphere. Then when it hit there should have been a rebound (like a droplet hiting water)and ejected magama merging from the hole as the core would have been penetrated, and splashing up into space, with much of this falling back to earth as meteor-like debris, and trailing to a side because the earth is rotating.

  4. John says:

    Nice video,
    although it is not quite correct. Watch the very beginning when the object is approaching earth, The angle of approach is wrong
    if it was going to hit, it would be approaching “dead on” and wouldn’t orbit the planet prior to impact for 1 reason gravity. the object would accelerate as it approached. something that size would quickly
    reach escape volocity and would only do a close fly-by, if it wasn’t torn to pieces by earth’s gravity first, it would then reach the roche limit rather quickly and be torn to pieces. we would have several new moons, not a destroyed planet. Also note how it decelerates right before impact and seems to stand still. impossible…..

  5. John says:

    here’s the explanation of events in english I got it off of youtubes site….
    Looks like somebody knew Japanese…


    What happens when meteorite collide with each other? We tried to find the answers: Simulation Experiment. We presumed that the collision happened with the earth in order for lucid distance and location. The diameter of the meteorite is slightly bigger than the breadth of Honshu Japan. The collision point is located at the 3,000km south from Japan in the ocean. The velocity of the meteorite is 70,000km/h. But the meteorite is bigger than we can imagine, so that it appears much slower. In the impact at the same time as colliding. The earth’s crust of 10km in thickness where ground in the earth is composed is wholly peeled off. This is called,”Earth’s crust tidal wave”. There is 1km width of the rock, and it flies to the sky it by the impact. The impact surges to the Japanese Islands and,as a result, the Japanese Islands are crushed. The splinter of the crushed rock easily exceeds the height of 1000Km. After exceeding the atmosphere it reaches space. Afterwards, the splinter of the rock falls again in surface of the earth. The edge of Crater completed by the collision of the meteorite is 7000m in height. It looks like a huge mountain range. The diameter of Crater has 4000Km. Crater is big to swallow a part from Guam to a Chinese continent. But,it was only an introductory chapter of the tragedy that would start in the future…..

    doesn’t make much sense…

  6. E.T. says:

    E.T. phone home.
    hello there earthlings. i have come to inhabitate all sane human beings minds with a microchip designed to destroy humankind. sheep r cool. you humans will all die. i will reign. sheep r cool. u will all die on the 25th of December. Merrry Xmas

  7. BobLeira says:

    All of your comments are interesting.Ask yourself this.Do you think
    anyone living today ,can actually predict what happened on earth
    1000 or 100,000 years ago?Millions of people believe we did not go
    to the moon in the 60s.Millions have forgotten WW1,2,Nam,my point
    is,our life cycle is so brief,we believe only things hear or see,for
    such a short period time,its get altered,by others,just like passing on
    a joke,and we are no more than a fly on the wall.I truley believe the
    earth has been destroyed by our creator many times over,but telling
    the world, found a bone in Brazil thats 200 million years old
    is absurd

  8. JWills says:

    Good example of why places such as Atlantis should never be scoffed at. Imagine a destruction so complete that virtually any minuet evidence is completely destroyed. Imagine our own civilization destroyed so effectivly that houndreds of thousands of years in the future, the mere suggestion that a advanced civilization once existed on earth is laughed at by modern science and skeptics.

  9. JWills says:

    Good example of why places such as Atlantis or life Mars should never be scoffed at. Imagine a destruction so complete that virtually any minuet evidence is completely destroyed. Imagine our own civilization destroyed so effectively that hundreds of thousands of years in the future, the mere suggestion that a advanced civilization once existed on earth is laughed at by modern science and skeptics.

  10. paris hilton says:

    im sooo hot!!!u nerdy guyz wanna lik me all up !!! im sooo hot!!!

  11. Henry Garcia says:

    On page 229 you cite Mark 16:14-15 to make a case that the Great Commission was dircted only to the apostles. However, verses 9 through 20 are not found in any of the earliest copies of the Bible. Apparently the Roman Catholic Church added those passages sometime later and frankly, I wouldn’t believe abnything the Catholic Church says.


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