Dear lady, my country fears independent UNARMED women….

A 62-year-old woman who was upset over being searched at the airport is accused in federal court of grabbing a female airport screener’s breasts.

A federal jury in Green Bay began hearing evidence Monday in the case against Phyllis Dintenfass, a retired technology school teacher from Appleton who faces a charge of assault of a federal employee for allegedly shoving a security supervisor, then grabbing the female agent’s breasts.

Dintenfass faces up to a year in federal prison and $100,000 in fines if she is convicted for the incident at the Outagamie County Regional Airport in Appleton in September 2004.

Gostisha said she was using the back of her hands to search the area underneath Dintenfass’ breasts when the woman lashed out at her.

“She said ‘How would you like it if I did that to you?’ and slammed me against the wall,” Gostisha testified.

“And what did you expect her reaction would be when you touched her breasts?” would be my first question as the defense attorney.

It’s a sad state of affairs when only a 62-year-old woman will resist having her private regions searched. Imagine how many cattle passed through ahead of her and didn’t even voice dissent.


  1. Tytus Suski says:

    If the girl on the picture is independent why is she wearing uniform? She looks more like a psycho-feminist-killer.

  2. Ed Campbell says:

    The piecemeal, incompetent and often absurd crap that passes for “homeland security” — in a nation that won’t allow it’s borders to be policed against illegal entry — is a waste of money and effort.

    I can only conclude that the panoply of constructs, from the play-theatre of airport searches on through the Patriot [sic] Act to the final horror of the Iraq invasion has been designed to build the political empire of the Right Wing thugs who own our government. No less.

    As criminal as are these enterprises, the saddest part of the equation is the lockstep obedience and adulation spread across the spectrum of ignorance that supports this foolishness.

  3. Kathy P says:

    Tytus Suski, would that our female army uniforms looked that good…That is how a not-so-typical teenager in the U.S. dresses….

  4. RonD says:

    Doesn’t look like a uniform to me. Just pants and a sweater with some shoulder padding to absorb rifle recoil.

  5. John says:

    How can you side with the woman? The screener was following approved police procedures – one female searching another, clearly not “copping a feel” by using the backs of her hands. That this woman lashed out is completely out of line – assuming that the above procedure was actually being followed. Maybe she shouldn’t have been searched at all, but if we only searched people who “looked like terrorists” we would have the ACLU up in arms about profiling.

  6. Sound the alarm says:

    As a “liberal” with a considerable arsenal. I am all in favor of a well armed citizenry. The citizen is truly the last line of defense, either against a gov gone crazy or an outside enemy.

    Besides she looks like my wife.

  7. Miguel Lopes says:

    She seems to be having some trouble with the weight of that thing… If the Taliban fear this sort of women then Afghanistan is an easy country to invade…. 🙂

  8. meetsy says:

    I do not get it….you’d THINK a 62 year old woman would LIKE to be felt up at the airport.

  9. Sound the alarm says:

    meetsy – That depends on the 62 year old.

  10. chuck says:

    I always thought that bringing in the feds (in the form of the TSA) to take over airport security was going to provide uniformity and common sense to the process. My observation at this point is that it is just as chaotic and nonsensical as ever. One time they chided me for removing my sneakers, saying that it isn’t necessary, since they don’t contain any metal. So I decide to wear them through the next time and the security agent tells me to take them off! He claimed they weren’t just interested in metal. What a bunch of bozos!

  11. Bryan says:

    I’m glad more people are starting to question the need for the much more intrusive airport security we have now.

    Security which isn’t really needed. The ‘airplane as a missile’ problem is essentially solved by stronger cockpit doors and better aircrew training, so why is TSA continuing to take away Bic lighters and butter knives (and selling them on eBay!)?

    This is costing America and Americans badly needed reputation and money as more travelers (especially those from abroad) get fed-up with the long lines, invasive searches, luggage unceremoniously broken into (and sometimes broken in the process), and more.

    We need to have someone stand up in front of America and do a PowerPoint presentation showing the actual threats this is designed to counter, and the projected efficiency of all these new measures, one by one. That person then needs to answer questions from John Q. Public … let us all see this presentation and judge for ourselves. Let’s judge the pros and cons of the matter based on facts and rationality, NOT the continued emotional hangover from 9/11.


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